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Prayers are required. Mia Robertson will have her 14th surgery…

Jase and Missy Robertson of Duck Dynasty are crossing their fingers that their daughter Mia’s upcoming 14th operation will be her last. Following treatment earlier in July, the young adult is now recuperating at home and leading a normal life.

Mia has had thirteen surgeries to correct her cleft lip and palate, which she was born with. Mia established the Mia Moo Fund on her initiative to ensure that every child has the opportunity to smile at some point in their lives. The rest of the family has been open about the long and difficult road they’ve taken to get to this point.

Mia’s mother, Missy, posted a message on Instagram a few days before her surgery on July 8th, titled “People ask me, ‘How many more operations does Mia have left?’” “There is never a response other than ‘We just don’t know.’”

Mia expressed a more optimistic outlook on her Instagram feed, writing, “I hope this will be the last time I have to visit my physicians in their office! Despite the journey’s difficulties, we have finally arrived at our destination.”

Mia’s thirteenth surgical procedure was scheduled for the spring of 2021. Her mother reports tremendous progress has been made in moving the situation forward.

“Now that she is 18, she is in charge of all conversations and completing medical forms. It’s been strange, to say the least,” Missy has been writing. “However, this is just another lesson: I can’t rely on myself and must lean on the Lord,” she explained.

Jase Robertson, the host of the Unashamed podcast, recently discussed not only his daughter Mia but his entire family. Jase Robertson currently hosts the podcast. In the end, he informed everyone that she had fully recovered, doing so on July 9th. “The surgery took slightly longer than expected, but she is now at home and resting. We appreciate your prayers for her as well as our family. In every way, she is a winner!”

Missy Robertson also kept her Instagram followers up to date on a different aspect of her family life: the birth of her new child. In March, she and her husband agreed to become the legal guardians of an infant whose biological mother was deemed unfit to care for the child. She had stated at the time that the guardianship would be lengthy. She was still being cared for by the couple as of June 25th.


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