World News Heroic herding dog fights off 11 coyotes to save his flock of sheep Dogs are such intelligent, protective animals. That’s especially true for sheep herding dogs, who have an important job of watching over their flock and... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News When a beloved street cat died, locals memorialized her by putting a statue of her in her favorite spot Cats can become a special part of our lives, even when they don’t belong to us. Many communities are filled with stray cats, who... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Man gets ready to take a selfie: Watch who sneaks up behind his back Grabbing our camera to capture a great moment in our lives is nothing new. But in recent years the phenomenon of selfies means it... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Now we celebrate dog Geo, who sensed something was wrong and saved a life No friend in the world is as faithful and affectionate as a dog. Just ask 25-year-old Byron, who wouldn’t be alive today if it... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Pregnant woman forms bond with pregnant stray cat, then they give birth at same time When you’re expecting a baby, it’s always nice to have a friend who is also pregnant to share the experience — even if they’re... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Golden retriever always carried around beloved stuffed dog — until he was surprised with a real puppy Many dogs have a favorite, well-loved toy they wouldn’t give up for anything. That was the case for one sweet golden retriever, who wouldn’t... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Dog was found with deep wounds after being tied up with metal wire — but now she has a loving new home It’s truly heartbreaking how some people treat dogs, but thankfully there are also kind people in the world willing to step up and give... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Owner pays for three plane tickets so Great Dane can fly with him: big dog delights passengers on flight Many dog owners know that boarding a plane with a pet can be a challenge, but this story takes the cake: one man paid... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Frederik The Great Is Considered The World’s Most Beautiful Horse And It’s Not Hard To See Why. With its smooth muscles, its elegance and gentleness, Frederik the great just may indeed be the world’s best-looking horse. And it’s not hard to... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023
World News Dog lost during Hawaii wildfires reunited with family: “safe and with his ohana” Our hearts continue to go out to the people of Hawaii who have been affected by devastating wildfires this week. At least 99 people have... FeedQ StaffOctober 11, 2023