Allison Fisher detailed her incredible journey after losing 104 pounds. She had been having pain in her stomach for most of 2020, and her periods were becoming more unpredictable and lasting nearly a year.Despite this, she delayed seeking medical assistance for fear of being forced to lose weight again. She had heard this often when she went to the doctor for things like colds or ear infections that weren’t related.
Her discomfort grew swiftly, and she soon spotted a giant tumor forming on her abdomen that felt made of stone.

After conducting some online research, she discovered that the growth was caused by an ovarian cyst containing approximately 46 liters of fluid, a diagnosis that had to be validated through medical therapy.Ascension St. Vincent’s gynecologic oncology surgeon Dr. Martin Martino found that Sarah Fisher weighed 104 pounds and had an ovarian cyst 10 cm in diameter.
This cyst was so enormous that Fisher couldn’t lie on her stomach because she felt her organs being squeezed. Furthermore, the left ovary was twisted three times, threatening her capacity to have children in the future.

Fortunately, after a successful cyst removal surgery, Fisher described the experience as giving her a “second shot” at life.Sarah’s left ovary was twisted, but Dr. Martino and his staff could untwist it. This didn’t hurt her fertility and gave her a chance to have children in the future.

Sarah Fisher, who lived with extreme obesity for many years, could start again after weight-loss surgery.She described her experience, adding that she could now do everyday things and wear clothes that she couldn’t previously. Sarah also wanted to urge people in her situation not to be hesitant to visit the doctor because of their size.

Ovarian cysts are relatively common, with many women developing them eventually. These cysts are usually painless, but larger or burst ones can cause discomforts such as pelvic pain, heaviness in the tummy, or bloating.
A medical practitioner should check any symptoms that last more than a few days.