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Reasons Why You Should Date An Older Woman At Least Once

I’ve always dated older women. There was always something that attracted me to them. They seemed more mature, more intelligent and sexier.

I’ve felt this way about older women since I can remember. In sixth grade, for example, I had a crush on a girl in the eighth grade. Back then, a two-year age difference was a decade age difference.

I only dated a younger woman — back then, girl — once, and it didn’t last very long. It only lasted as long as it did because she was one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever dated — that and she was a singer… a check off the bucket list.

I know a lot of guys in their 20s and 30s feel that a younger woman is better. I think those guys are just confused. I’m sorry, but I’ll take matured over inexperienced any day of the week and I have 10 good reasons for it.

Ten good reasons for dating an older woman are the following:

1. They can hold better conversations.

An intelligent older woman will have lived through more experiences and be capable of relaying more interesting information than a younger woman.

Intelligent people get more knowledgeable and wiser over time. Why would you want to meet a girl at 20 when you know she’ll be even more amazing at 27?

2. They know what they want, and they’re straightforward about it.

With age, women — like men — get to understand themselves better. They understand their emotions, and they understand what it is they want out of a relationship.

They’re more willing to commit and to talk things out in order to make the relationship work. Most importantly, older women are less likely to run when things get difficult, which they just about always do.

3. They are generally more focused on their careers.

Maybe only I prefer driven, strong and brilliant women. If that’s not your thing, then I guess it doesn’t really matter if a woman is focused on her passions.

Either way, it sometimes takes quite a bit of time for people to explore their options and find themselves before they find their purpose in life. If they’re older, they’re statistically more likely to have figured that part out.

4. They’re more appreciative of relationships.

Young women are happy they are in a relationship… until they’re not. Older women understand how difficult it is to find someone half-decent, so when they find someone they really like, they try to make it work, to not throw it away over any stupid reason.

Older women are usually more thoughtful and caring. They understand that compromise is sometimes part of the deal and are willing to do what is necessary for the good of the relationship.

5. They’re more passionate.

Mature women have a better understanding of life. They have a stronger love for life and are passionate in what they do. They love deeper.

They are able to connect with you in ways that younger woman are not yet able to understand. With time comes a new way of loving. There are many shades of loving; as they overlap over the passing years, they become deeper in hue.

6. They’re better in bed.

Sex is not like riding a bicycle. You can practice and practice and not get better at riding a bicycle. Sex, on the other hand, is something you can improve on with experience.

Sex isn’t just about sex. It’s also about the waiting periods in between, the tension and buildup it causes, and what you learn about yourself as your sexuality intensifies.

7. They’re more open to trying new things.

Maybe you don’t think you need to try something new in the sack. But believe me, that’s only until you do try something new in the sack.

The beauty with older women is that they feel they have a good amount of control in the relationship — which is incredibly sexy, by the way — and don’t so much ask you to try new things, but simply try them for you.

You know all those things you’ve seen on TV? That’s what an older woman can do.

8. They’re more willing to be a team.

I love flying solo — always have, always will. But the fact is, flying solo does get lonely somewhat regularly. There is a way to feed your egocentric competitiveness and hunger for greatness while maintaining a great relationship; find a partner to take over the world with you.

You have to succeed, but you don’t have to succeed alone. Do it with the right person and it will be much easier — no matter what you are trying to accomplish. A life partner is supposed to help you succeed in life.

9. They’re sexier.

Sure, at a certain age, a woman’s body begins to deteriorate. I hate to spoil the surprise, but the same happens with men. Honestly, if a woman keeps a healthy diet and exercises regularly, she can look smoking well into her 50s.

With modern day science improving almost exponentially, I’m not worried.

Sexiness isn’t defined by the body alone. Sexiness comes with age. Older women know how to be sexier. I wish I could get into better detail, but unfortunately I haven’t quite figured out how they do it yet. I’ll get back to you on that one.

10. You can learn more from them.

The most important thing in life is learning. Without learning, we aren’t really living. Having an intelligent, fascinating, slightly mysterious and incredibly impressive woman by your side, there for you and there to experience things with you, grow with you, is the most that any man can ask for.

If you are with a woman that you can’t learn anything from, then you are with the wrong woman. The right woman will be the woman who surprises you and impresses you for your whole life.

She will be the woman you never stop chasing because you never stop trying to figure her out, trying to explain how it’s possible that she could make you love her so much.

I’m not saying it can’t be a younger woman, but from my experience, it’s always been the older ones who have haunted me.


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