Soon after it was posted online, a clip from the TV show “Hang on, Charlie!” became a genuine meme. By the way, the show focused on absurd and humorous events in the young Charlie’s family.

The main figure spreads her arms angrily in this frame. The crowd received the tiny actress’s game and facial expressions so well that the picture quickly gained popularity online.
Keep in mind that Mia Telerico, a young actress, portrayed the part of baby Charlie. She was a fantastic fit for the position. Despite her young age, Mia’s popularity increased.
Parents were convinced that their daughter eagerly anticipated an exciting career in Hollywood. Mia, however, went in a different direction.

She took care of herself and vanished from the screens. Mia committed her entire life to learning and to grow. She began dancing and participating in sports.

Fans won’t recognize Mia as the girl from the well-known meme after seeing her as she is now. Telerico has developed into a true beauty. The girl does not regret the fact that she put an end to her performing career.