Noisy neighbors are never pleasant.
Cilla Carden has noisy neighbors, so that she can tell you all about them. She dragged them to Australia’s Supreme Court because she found them annoying.
The massage therapist from Perth, Australia, sued her neighbors in court because she claimed she could not utilize her backyard since they were constantly using their BBQ and playing basketball.
In 2019, Carden told 9News, “It’s been devastating, it’s been turmoil, it’s been unrest, and I haven’t been able to sleep.”

Carden, a vegan, has been whining for months about how her neighbor’s BBQ and smoking bother her. She also voiced an opinion on the kids shooting hoops.
“They placed it there, so I only smell fish,” she said. “Since I can’t go outside, I can’t enjoy my backyard.”
It became so problematic that she sued her neighbors. She attempted to appeal to the Supreme Court after having her claims rejected, but her application was also denied.
Carden stated, “I told the courts it’s deliberate.”
However, her neighbor thinks they have found a workable solution. When 9News allegedly went to the defendant’s backyard, they were informed that the youngsters had been told to stop playing basketball and that the barbeque had been removed.

Following the odd court battle announcement, a Facebook event for a neighborhood barbeque was formed to let Carden know she couldn’t “destroy a good old Aussie tradition.”
However, following the event, which attracted 24,000 attendees, police issued a warning, and Carden’s attorney threatened legal action. The picnic was postponed.
Although Carden’s actions and complaints have led some to believe she is against people eating meat, her attorney maintains that she has “no objection to people eating meat and no objection to people having barbecues.”
What do you think of Cilla Carden’s choice to file a lawsuit against her neighbors?